Create a Lesson

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Lessons are used for creating interactive and engaging content for your participants. Quizizz Lessons act as intelligent and intuitive presentations -- they help make your event more impactful. You can integrate quizzes within Lessons too.

To create Lessons, follow these steps:

  1. Click on 'Create new content' on the top navigation pane and select the 'Create a Lesson' option

  2. If you have existing content you'd like to import, click on 'Import Slides from Google Drive'.
    1. You can then upload Google slides and PDFs from your Google Drive
    2. You can also upload PDFs from your device 


  3. Click on 'Add a new slide' to begin creating your Lesson 

  4. Select the type of slide you'd like to add 


  5. Click on 'Themes' in the top-right corner to access a variety of themes you can apply to your slides. You can choose to apply the theme to the entire Lesson or only for a particular slide  



  6. Insert text, images, audio, videos, equations, shapes, and tables from the dock 

  7. Like all other PPT applications, choose options from the toolbar to edit your lessons 

  8. You can also add questions to your presentation. These will count as separate slides 
    1. The available question formats are: Multiple Choice Questions, Reorder, Match, Fill in the Blanks, Drag and Drop, Drop-Down, Math Response, Labeling, Hotspot, Graphing, Draw, Open-ended, Video Response, Audio Response, Poll, and Word Cloud 

  9. Once you have added all the slides you need, click on 'Publish' on the top-right corner of your screen 
  10. Give your Lesson a name and set the language. You can choose to give the Lesson a cover image and set the visibility status to private or public 

  11. Click on 'Save'.

You can now host the Lesson live or assign it as an activity.  

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