Groups on Quizizz

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Groups on Quizizz enable you to organize your pool of participants and assign them activities (Quizzes or Lessons) with ease. You can create as many Groups as you'd like, and you can sort through your reports based on the Groups you've created. 

Benefits of Groups

Here's how Groups can add value to your team:

  1. Creating a Group is quick and easy. There are three simple ways in which you can do this, and each of these methods allows you to invite members to join with a single click. Jump to this section to learn how to set up a Group. 
  2. Once your Group is ready, you can assign an activity to all its members in one go. Quizizz also offers you the option to assign an activity to select members of the Group. 
  3. The members of your Group will automatically receive reminders for all assigned activities. They will be notified on their learner dashboard and receive an email with a link to join the activity. 
  4. With Groups, you can view the reports of all your participants in one place. You can also measure individual and collective progress over time and across various activities. 

Creating a Group

Begin by clicking on 'Groups' on the left navigation pane, and select 'Create a Group'. Enter the Group name in the input field and select a color code. Now, it is time to add participants to your Group. To do this, you can choose any of the following options:

Adding participants via email

With this option, you can manually enter the email addresses of all your participants in the input field provided. 

Bulk uploading participants

Here, you can upload a .xls or .xlsx file containing the details of up to 200 participants, and all of them will be automatically added to your Group. Your file must contain the email ID, first name, and last name of your participants in that order. 

Refer to our sample file to take a closer look at the format. 

Sharing a link 

Copy the automatically-generated link at the bottom of the pop-up box and share it with your participants. They can then visit this URL to join the Group. 

Updating a Group 

You can always modify your Groups by editing their names, adding or removing members, and editing the details of existing members. To do this, click on 'Groups' on the left pane and navigate to the Group you wish to update. 

Click on the vertical dots menu to edit the group name, change the Group color code, or delete the Group. 

Select the Group and click on 'Manage Group Roster' to add participants. You can also edit the first name and/or last name of existing participants, or remove them from the Group. 

Assigning Activities to a Group 

To assign an activity to a Group, follow these steps. 

  1. Select the Quiz or Lesson you would like to assign
  2. Click on 'Invite Participants' and select either the 'Start a Live Session' or 'Assign activity' option 
  3. Customize the Primary settings and Gamification settings as per your requirements and click on 'Continue' 
  4. Select the Group(s) to which you would like to assign the Quiz/Lesson. Note that you can select multiple Groups at this point 
  5. Click on 'Pick Specific Participants' to assign the activity to select members of the Group 
  6. Click on 'Start Now'. Your participants will automatically receive an email and a notification in their Learner Dashboards with a link to join the activity

QFW - Assign Activity to Groups.gif

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